Question:1:- How to increase facebook Likes?
Answer:1:-A) Since facebook has disabled the option of 'suggest to friends' on the fan pages, it is pretty difficult to get likes. However you can try to do some viral marketing to attract more and more eyeballs/viewers to your fan page. For example post an attractive image with some catchy title and a short content on your fan page. Later share and tag with your friends every 24 hours, by which your post will be regularly displayed on their profile page walls and homepages. This way you will have more eyeballs for your post which will lead them to your fan page and if it is attractive then they will like it.
B) Create a attractive Like Page and make a catchy title. Then configure your like page so that the visitors come to your “welcome “ tab and not your wall! When they arrive to your like page just ask them to click on your like button, you can even insert some free gift if they subscribe to your list.
C) easiest way is to BUY them, they are still very cheap...
you can buy 100 fans for 6 dollars only, and their real value is much higher (about $3600.00 per year actually):
search on google vitrue 3.60 facebook fan valuation is just the tip of the iceberg
Question:2:- How i change facebook fan page name?
Answer:2:- If you have just gained 25 fans you can change your page url Go to the edit option, there will be the name change option.
Question:3:- How to use Facebook to drive traffic?
Answer:3:- A) Do you want to pay to get your traffic or do you want to tap into free traffic? One will take a longer time than the other and they take different strategies.
B) Its going to be difficult to do unless you have a lot of people on your page. I recommend adding links all over the page [relevant, non-spammy links] to different parts of your website so they are overwhelmed with no other choice but to visit.
Question:4:-AdSense on Facebook page?
Answer:4:- To allow adsense to be targeted on facebook applications, you first have to realize that adsense code cannot be added directly on a facebook page, due to javascript limitations.
Question:5:- How to get more followers on Twitter?
Answer:5:- 15 Tips to get more followers on Twitter:-
1 - Complete your profile on Twitter
Complete Twitter profile and fill in the details is always a good option to get some followers. Some friends you can find at your blog, email or other data.
2 - Designing your Twitter channel
Give a unique and important to your Twitter is a vital step to make every user who visits your Twitter channel will follow. You can call or no attention to the design of your Twitter, so try to find a fund that is not used and it is good.
3 - Post tweets quality
Tweets of quality are those that provide real information for which you have been following your followers. You can give a theme to your Twitter and publish many tweets about it. The quality tweets do not have much text, only the necessary and usually contain links to blogs where is information.
4 - Keep conversations with your followers
In this way they posted on their Twitter channel a link to your profile and you can get more fans as the popularity of your followers are today.
5 - Respond to tweets from people you follow
If we do this they will know we like your information and we may follow. We should not spend too far, because if that happens you are artarán and not have a good presence on Twitter.
6 - Follow people with similar tastes
Follow people who treat you the same topics in Twitter or just have the same interests as you. Many of them may follow you and be totally natural as reading your tweets because of issues they like.
7 - Invite your friends to Twitter
Invite your friends, family, colleagues and partners who sign up for Twitter and then follow you. It is a good way to get followers, especially if you have many friends who are not yet registered.
8 - Post in your blog Twitter Profile
Have a popular blog or not is a good way to attract followers, either by posting updates on Twitter and your blog readers have with Twitter or post an entry on Twitter and a hyperlink to your account.
9 - Help yourself from other networks
If you use other social networks as well as Twitter Suggest to your friends who sign up for Twitter and follow you. It is another good way to attract new users to Twitter and make them follow you.
10 - Post consistently and good information Whenever you post good information is constant, because if we published a good tweet today and tomorrow we do not publish anything, will not receive retweets or anything.
11 - hello and goodbye to your fans
Whenever you start a new day in Twitter greet your friends, so they will respond and your profile will appear in the accounts of every follower of your followers. Do the same when you finish your day. This can be associated with the board 5.
12 - Twitter when they have more users
Try to post your tweets to the hours that your followers are connected, so you have more answers, retweets and even more likely to have more followers.
13 - Attend meetings twitter
Meetings or conferences twitters are a good way to get followers. Also discussed many issues that will help you improve as twitterer you too. Surely in your city has these types of meetings or conferences.
14 - Twitter like a blog
As a blog we try to have more readers and visitors comments, on Twitter we can achieve the same, the methods are similar and if we have a good blog, why not manage to have a good Twitter?.
15 - Be patient
The fans come with time, if you see a user with over 1000 followers on Twitter tweets is because long ago. You just try to follow all the steps properly and you will see that over time the results are very positive.
Question:6:- How does google+ work?
Answer:6:- Google Plus is Google's way of Facebook Likes. Because Google and Facebook don't agree each other on different levels, FB won't give Google the Likes data, so Google created one on its own.
More Google plus on your site = Better ranks. But that means, plus votes from Organic search not bought google plus votes. You can see more insights in webmasters > Social Tools about how your site is performing on SERPS with Google plus data. Its a social network like Facebook, so a lot of the same principles apply. The +1's are equivalent to a "like" in FB. In the search engines, I have to imagine that the +1's will be incorporated into Google's ranking algorithms.
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