I know first hand how upsetting it is - to get an error when trying to upload the website you have spent ages making. Or to discover that something won't show on your page, as well as your website just doesn't look the way you wanted it to.
I used to get all sorts of problems - from missr online at all...
Here are some of the most common mistakesing images or incorrectly positioned text, to my website simply "refusing" to appea people make while creating and publishing websites:
* Using Incorrectly Resized Images
If you are using images on your website - try keeping them as small as possible. Not only smaller images will take less time to load but they also work better on small display devises such as PDAs or cell phones. I'd say a good size for an image would be under 50 kilobytes.
Common mistake most people make is thinking they can make an image smaller by clicking and dragging on it. I must admit that I've done this myself.
What this really does - it reduces the dimensions of an image - not the actual file size.
So when you upload the webpage you might see that the image appears larger than you wanted it to be "pushing" the rest of your page's content all over the place or that the image takes long time to load.
That is why you should resize your images using image editing software before inserting them in the web page.
* Not Saving Web Pages Correctly
When you are creating a website using HTML web editor - web pages are usually saved as.html or.xhtml files.

In other words - index.html is the home page of your website.
Any additional pages should also be saved as.html files although you can name them whatever you want. Just be sure not to put any spaces or upper case in the name of the file.
* Web Pages Are Not Linked Together Correctly
Make sure all your pages are linked together and all the links are actually "clickable" and send you to a correct page or a website.
Links are vital for your website to work properly - believe me - you would not want to send your customers to an error page.
* Not Saving All The Content Of The website In The Same Location
It is important to have all your website related material in the same place on your computer. Save everything in a separate folder. To make my folders easy to find - I name them the same as my websites.
If the content of your website is all over your hard drive the chances are - something will not get uploaded and your website will not function properly.
* Forgetting To Change The Name Servers
If your domain name and a hosting account were bought from different

* Trying To Publish Your Website Straight Away After Buying a Domain Name
It normally takes up to 48 hours for your domain name to get recognized (propagated) and it can also take several hours for the change of the name servers to take effect.
Bearing this in mind - do not expect your website to appear online immediately.
* Providing Incorrect Publishing Servers Details
Your host most probably would have many different directories on its servers - that is why you will need to know exactly where to send your pages to. This information is normally found in an email that you have received after getting a hosting account. In most cases it would be "public_html" directory, however there are exceptions.
If your host did not provide this information - do not hesitate to contact a customer support and ask them which directory they want you to upload your website to.
When you are publishing your web pages straight from a web editor - double-check that you have typed in the correct publishing address.
And remember - we all make mistakes at some point. It is inevitable part of the learning process. The important thing is - not to let those mistakes stop you taking action.
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